During the cold winter nights and long Sunday afternoons ahead, I will curl up, not with a good mystery or love story or biography, but with books like the above. I have an entire front yard to landscape. Currently there is a border area near the front side walk covered with landscape cloth and another area of scraggly lawn beneath a bay window that needs to be a bed. The view from the bay window also warrants some nice landscaping in the distance framed by the window.
Challenges include: a buried septic tank just in front of the bay window, a buried propane tank to side of the yard, and a gravel turn-around at the far end of the yard. Since the water well and pump are in the back of the house, I also have to plan for truck access around the side of the house through the front yard for future maintenance when needed!
I also need to purchase some nice containers for the steps to the front door and planting in containers will be the easy part. I am an expert in that area, except for the fact that during the summers they need daily maintenance and I am not there every day!
Other details I must continue to keep in mind as I plan this front yard are that it is on the North side of the house and doesn't get a lot of sunshine in the summer, both a good and a bad thing.
Well, onto sharpening pencils, laying out graph paper and perusing my books.