You know that you have officially become an old fart when you start formalizing your relationship with birds. This means that you spend $69.00 on a new heater for the bird bath because you cannot for the life of you remember where you stored the one you bought two years ago! I know, it will definitely show up when I repack the Christmas decorations. This also means that you join the two-day a week feeder watch program administered by Cornell University this winter. It is a simple project in that you set the amount of time you want to watch, count the most birds of each species during that time, and fill in their database (IF THEY EVER GET AROUND TO SENDING THE PASSWORD TO THE DATABASE). Otherwise you make chicken scratches on various pieces of paper and try to not lose them before the online database becomes available. I watch two mornings a week for about an hour. It has made me far more careful in trying to ID birds and I have already discovered a bird I have been mis-naming, I think and another that I am not sure of. (Yes, that IS a preposition at the end of the sentence.)
Anyway, my feeders are kept full and one suet cake is out. Anyway, the avian crowds get quite large sometimes and I am wondering if I need to put out a take-a-ticket machine so that they don't get too rough waiting for a feeder perch to open up. Sort of reminds me of Black Friday....except no bird gets maimed, injured or killed in this sale, thus far! (Second photo.)
Below are the beautifully colored goldfinch. This winter they are still quite yellow. Imagine how lovely they will be in the spring when they get their bold mating colors. (The odd mate out is a house finch with the faint red head.)