Tuesday, February 06, 2018

A Quick Review Before I am Off

I am leaving this weekend for a lengthy luxurious and expensive trip. I do not feel guilty and I am not bragging and you all know that. Anyway, I hope to return and take any readers that want on that trip virtually upon my processing of photos. In between times, I leave you these from my neighborhood.

Blurred as he was moving!

I hope to be back with more tropical photos and no mosquito bites.

Friday, February 02, 2018

Flocking and Grapes

In honor of the Year of the Bird...I will again post some more digital "paintings" using some impressionist filters as I have totally blown the day off in front of the computer and on the phone and feel guilty...NOT. Once again a large flock of Cedar Waxwings has flown in for a minute or two to poop all over the table and slurp up some water after gathering  in a drunken blowout in the holly tree eating berries!

Why the grapes you may ask?  These super large purple grapes (with some gigantic carbon footprint) were tough-skinned and not as sweet as hubby liked, so they are now outside next to the bird bath.  Every once in a while a squirrel will hop up on the deck and jump acrobatically to the table and steal one.  Usually, he attempts to steal two or three and ends up dropping one on the stairs on the way down because as we all know, squirrels have not a clue!