Friday, October 29, 2010

Oh Nuts!

On a fall day in early October we took a drive and hike to the bald eagle preserve that is a short drive from our home.  There were no eagles to be seen as many of them are starting to migrate south, and also, during the months when the eagles nest and rest here the preserve is closed to hikers.

We just enjoyed the last of the warm weather sun on our shoulders, the beginning color in the leaves, and were impressed by the very large number of acorns (from all varieties of oak trees) falling through the papery leaves and crashing to the ground at our feet missing our heads by a breath.  The squirrels and deer will be fat this winter and perhaps the woods will be thicker in years to come.  Perhaps this abundance of nuts was due to the long drought in July or the heavy rains in early September or maybe it is an annual dance rhythm of nature.

Hubby in the photo above is pondering the land at his feet for colored stones.  Something his grandchildren taught him to do this summer.  I smile at this, because a decade ago this would have been a big waste of time for him as he was a dedicated one for keeping the engines revved all the time.


  1. I've never tasted bald eagle preserves - is it good?

    (Do bald eagles taste like chicken?)

  2. That acorn pic is beautiful. So relaxing.

  3. nice. i like the contemplation of the land and the boys remind me of that often...nice acorns...

  4. I too like the bowl full of acorns. I'm on the look out for some large acorns for a project I have in mind.

  5. Yes, there is magic in revving and magic in the colored stones too.

  6. acorns are always fascinating..
    (except when they are pinging my car )

  7. Gee no one ever said I had nice acorns...I will have to treasure that! ;-) And, Eric, I think the only people who know that are behind bars.

  8. Nice pics. :)

    I noticed a bumper crop of acorns this year at our cottage as well. It should certainly help a lot of critters make it through the winter.

  9. Acorns and squirrels and beautiful fall photos...I'm glad I visited this afternoon. Have a great weekend!!

  10. You have given me another decorating idea. A bowl of nuts from my woods:) The path in my woods stays littered with nuts.
    Some whole and some have been opened. Wonder what this means relating to our winter?

  11. It is always nice to learn things from the grandchildren.

  12. That's a picturesque bowl. Almost looks good enough to eat.

  13. hah! i also have acorns in a pot Just like that :)

    lovely blog.....

  14. Too bad you missed seeing the eagles.
    I love the shot of your hubby looking for colored stones. Exploring with grandchildren is so much fun :)
    The bowl of acorns is so pretty. Aren't those earthy browns beautiful? I must go acorn hunting.

  15. I love that bowl of acorns.


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