Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Small Woody

While walking around one of the interesting marsh areas that are so nicely maintained by the local beaver family near my house, I came across this woodpecker and at first thought I had seen a new species. In my excitement I took several dozen photos.  When I got home and used my various bird books and brought it up tight on the monitor, I saw it was a juvenile red-headed woodpecker. You may just see the red feathers starting to cover his/her head. He/she was somewhat shy.  What a gangly and awkward-looking teenager he appears to be!    Just a little curious and just a little timid.  (Apologies as I reduced the size of these photos...so they are not as clear as I would have liked.)


  1. Good woodpecker shot. I've never seen a juvenile so this was treat for me.

  2. nice. i can hear him knocking...a quite enjoyable sound while walking through the woods...beavers are cool too...

  3. Love these photos. Hearing or seeing a woodpecker gives me a cheap thrill.

    (lots to catch up ... thx for your patience)

  4. Nice pics!

    Woodpeckers are one of my favorite birds, but I have the worst luck in photographing them because of their shyness.
    (That, and my lack of a good zoom lens... maybe I'll get one for Christmas!)

  5. Great pictures, I haven't seen a woodpecker in quite awhile.

  6. Good image - so far the birds are not at my feeders. Wonder why?
    May be too early and plenty to eat in the woods.

  7. It's amazing how a juvenile of various bird species can be so incredibly different. Fun discovering them though.

  8. Great shots!

  9. A teenage bird! I tend to think of them as baby birds or adults, skipping the child/juvenile stage altogether. You've opened my eyes :)

    An aside: the word verification is mindfib! So, looks like you've opened my mind as well.

  10. An absolute gem. Thanks for posting it.

  11. (By the way? Worst post name ever! LOL!)

  12. ERic, my mind NEVER went that direction...;-)

  13. Lucky you to see a redhead! Exciting to get some shots of him too. Hope you see him again.

  14. How nice! I haven't seen a red-headed woodpecker in many decades. Would love to again.

    Thanks for sharing the experience.


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