Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Death By Any Other Name

Called 'dead leaf retention'
by those who spend their lives
naming things and processes.

But for me,
I see it as the gentle open
palm revealing the past year's
life lines and energy dances
in the summer wind.

I see it as the refusal
to leave that last curtain call
instead to hold hands bravely
in the sun's spotlight
even though the applause has ended
and the fans have long gone home.


  1. Loved this post! It's all about perspective, isn't it?

  2. Beautiful insights, Tabor. Steven had a similar post today and I noticed the spring buds on the other branches of his tree. I think I was seeing some buds on the tree here as well. It's 4 am for that trio of leaves and the bar i think, should be closing soon. But don't they look so full of themselves, hanging strong through the course of this entire winter? Memories of sunny summer days. =D

  3. very nice verse...the sun will come again...supposed to be 75 here on friday...yay

  4. oh, you are so right.

  5. Energy dances... I like that.

  6. Being open and endurance is life's blood for sure!!
    Love the pic.

  7. "to hold hands bravely
    in the sun's spotlight
    even though the applause has ended
    and the fans have long gone home"

    one of the most touching praises for things past that I've ever read. beautifully put!

  8. I see nothing wrong with clinging to that which brought us life and colour and verve. I love how the beech leaf calls out to me when I'm passing along my snowclad trails.

    Even winter needs some colour.


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