Friday, June 20, 2014

Broke the Record This Week*

This room without walls is so large
There is so much food and water
And even beauty and love.
Why is there not enough to go around?

(We now have more refugees on this planet than we had after WWII.)


  1. not sure this is a record we want to break?

  2. So that's a good indicator of our skewed economy. Sad!

  3. Red, it is also our skewed distribution of resources and our skewed religious beliefs.

  4. there is enough to go around if we would just show a little care and compassion for those that are without. I read somewhere that a study was done and it showed that the more you have, the less compassionate and sharing you are. how's that for screwed up?

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

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  6. It is called -- population increase -- that has run rampant due to political and religious powers. It is not totally an immigrant problem -- this is just an off-shoot. A good book to read is "The Social Conquest of Earth" by Edward O. Wilson." -- barbara

  7. Absolutely unbelievable. I know the world population is larger, but still....

  8. It is taking us somewhere.

  9. I'm glad I know what's going on, thanks to your paying attention n making it easier to understand alot of folks will too-

    Why the US didn't step up quicker is such a wonder!

  10. Appalling, simply appalling... If only we could do something.A friend working for the UN told me a few years ago that this day was coming, and here it is. She also said there was enough of everything to go around if we could get past our skewed ethics and address the distribution issues that are keeping so much of the world hungry and sick.


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