Wednesday, January 02, 2019


They are not migrants and not immigrants, but just a massively large group of tourists. Unfortunately, we treat them the same way we treat immigrants. We shoot them!

They get very quiet as the early morning glow moves across the water and begins to penetrate the fog.  It seems as if they fear discovery.

There is some discussion among the leaders about what to do and which way to go, a bit of confusion.

The noisier ones tuck close to shore and slap the water as if they are ready for flight but that is just a bluff and not bravery.

Like all groups, the truly brave are the first to head out across the wide expanse as the day begins giving the others courage to move on.


  1. Actually, they are residents wherever they plop their feathers. I like duck, no ducks.

  2. Love those creatures!

  3. Great groups of them are flying over and yelling at me daily.

  4. Beautiful visitors and photos, I especially like the second photo.

  5. The Canada Goose is a beautiful, noisy, messy, majestic creature that is very much at home wherever there is water and parks to poop in.
    Your photos are great though.

  6. Yes, a flock of geese is very interesting to watch as they prepare to take off.

  7. They belong wherever they are, and i know someone who is going duck hunting tomorrow. It makes me sad, i don't like the idea.


  8. Your prose is perfectly lovely.

  9. not geese but I was lucky enough one spring to look up in the sky one morning to see cranes kettling, rising higher and higher before they headed north.


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