Saturday, July 27, 2019

Back from the Mountains

This old earth is beautiful wherever I travel. Yes, with climate change, even the heat of the day, a dry heat, is like walking under a furnace. Wyoming had an unusual amount of rain! Everything was pretty green for July and meadow and mountain flowers were bursting everywhere. Just a taste below. The blues and greens of the photos make it look cooler than it was. (Click on photos for a closer view.)

This was the view from our hotel balcony and I thought for sure that tree in the center was a reincarnated buffalo.

Even the trees were reproducing like crazy after the rain.

Above is a small portion of the Grand Tetons with the Snake River at its Basin.


  1. Once in a while we need a change in scenery.

  2. Welcome home, and thank you for sharing these photos. It's been over 40 years since i've seen the Grand Tetons.

  3. Love those mountains with the snow clinging there. Looks beautiful!

  4. I thought the same thing about that tree in the first photo. and aren't the Tetons majestic!

  5. What wild and magnificent scenery!

  6. Great photos. I love that area and won't get there this year; so even more appreciate your sharing your photos

  7. I hate to be trite, but WOW.

  8. And yes, I thought it a buffalo too.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.