Thursday, May 27, 2021

Accepting My Reward

I have paid all the bills, this time not so many, and I have emptied the dishwasher, so I am going to reward myself with some photoshopping or photo-painting or digitizing...whatever you want to call it. 

This spring has been mild and dry and is just now getting hot.  My roses have loved the weather.  Soon they will be dropping petals followed by dropping leaves covered in black spot.  But for now, they will be basking in glory under the spring sunshine.

I wandered out and about and took way too many photos and selected just a few to share with you after taking a digitized brush to their shapes and colors.

This one, whose name I have to look up, is my favorite.  It blossoms with darker edges and opens like an old-fashioned tea rose.

This one is a climber and covering my arbor.  Remember the teak gazebo wood that our neighbor gave us?  My helper built it into a nice shaded arbor in the front yard with a small stone patio.

The bench and cushion were added later.  I now have another bench AND have to order another cushion.

Above a painterly view back to the front of the house through the roses.  I am rewarded.


  1. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old Time is still a-flying;
    And this same flower that smiles today
    Tomorrow will be dying.

  2. I love that you're living another old saying (sorry, not poetry) of "stop and smell the roses." Beautiful!

  3. Beautiful roses, and the arbot is gorgeous! You have a talented helper.
    I remmber planting a clove or two of garlic at the base of my roses. I also remember the black spot. Cut it all off with gloves.

  4. Lovely stuff. I appreciate them from a distance.

  5. Your gazebo is just the kind of place I'd like to drink my morning coffee. Such beautiful roses.

  6. So beautiful. A bit of paradise.

  7. rewarding ourselves is a good thing, and sharing the reward with us is even better. :-)

  8. That's a lovely haven, all of it!

  9. It all looks entrancing. I think a good book and a cool drink is needed to complete the picture. Then settle in for some good relaxation.

  10. Serene atmosphere and beautiful climate. Good place to enjoy floral blooms and roses.

  11. my roses don't get enough sun to bloom profusely. they used to get more but the oak and the yew tree have grown and cut off more of the sun. yours are lovely.

  12. What a lovely setting and beautiful roses!

  13. Wow! That looks like heaven! Absolutely gorgeous!!!


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