Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ducks in Action

My husband was watching this fellow through the binoculars getting ready to jump to the dock and join his mate.  They like this dock because my neighbor has a leaky hose and thus the fresh water is available to them.  I tried to catch the jump as he made it, but because he was on the other side you don't get the full effect.  Just a wing flap and he has made it.  Below in a grainy photo due to the dark time of day, the male Mallard seems to be spinning some one-liners to the  Come here often?  Can I help you with that leaky nozzle?  Did you just get in from a migration?  (As always you can click on the photo for a close-up via Blogger.)

And finally, above is a Mallard that I scared (and he scared me) from under my dock when I went down to watch the sunset that same evening.  He jumped into the water from beneath my dock where he was sitting on a float.  It is not the best focus but I wanted to share the water "angel" he made.


  1. First time I've ever seen a water angel, excellent.

  2. Do love that water angel photo. I think your photos are great! -- barbara

  3. Lovely light in that 2nd shot!

  4. a water angel eh? pretty cool...some nice pics....guess ours will be heading south soon enough....

  5. Well, you may have criticisms about your photo but I really like the light and the position of the ducks. ducks don't often pose for you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Is the term "water angel" original to you or is that a common expression for a common occurrence among ducks? I love it. That is a beautiful Mallard but aren't they all.

  8. The wavy water where the duck is sitting looks like a figure of a dove. Two birds in one shot. Isn't that amazing to look at?

    acfi training

  9. So cool!!!

  10. Beautiful! I love that water angel! :)

  11. Nice restful photos Tabor - Dave

  12. The past two posts have been just ducky!

  13. Great capture of the water angel, Tabor..... like our snow angels. Fantastic! I love the twitter from the dock too. Your blog is just awesome. =D

  14. Love the pattern in the water created by that duck.

  15. Love the pattern in the water created by that duck.


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