Monday, December 15, 2014

Fancy Dress

While walking in a suburb of the city the other day I passed this tree with the most fascinating bark.  I do not know what it is but the photo does not do it justice.  Can you see the nail some idiot used? Click on the photo for a closer look as all I did was sharpen it.


  1. very cool bark. I do not understand why people want to hammer nails into living trees.

  2. People would have been wise never to let my husband see them hammering a nail into a tree.

    That bark is very unusual and pretty.

  3. We miss too many shots like this.we're not watching for them. Nicely done.

  4. Unique bark -- something indigenous to your area? Took some tree I.D. classes about 30 years ago and have practically forgotten all that I learned. Send the photo to your local university -- they should know. -- barbara

  5. Interesting - not a bark I recognize from around here.

  6. Anonymous7:22 PM

    That is really cool!!


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