Thursday, April 02, 2015


It is appropriate that one of the first colors to appear when mother earth awakens is sunshine. Bright, yellow, warming. After such a cold, gray, gloomy, wet, despairing, dispiriting March, should not the slightest ray of sunshine pierce our eyes and make us catch our breath? I know that I am aging, because in the past, I would have roses pruned back by late February. But my spirit was not with my intellect and just yesterday I finally got that simple job completed. Then I turned and had to pick the half-dozen daffodils that were not even in full bloom. Their little yellow eyelids were still closed against the warming air. But I brought them inside and within hours they had opened their faces into smiling cheerfulness and then they sent out the most amazing scent of spring. My rooms were filled with the perfume as if in a greenhouse. But unlike my prior post, this was my house, not someone's exotic greenhouse. 



  1. they are beautiful, always the first to bloom. the sun finally came out here and then spring just exploded.

  2. Sunshine sprouting out of the ground.

  3. A nice way to bring the sun indoors!

  4. I was grateful when the cold/grey left and sun and warmth returned. Changed my entire outlook on my days. Much happier. Sounds like you, too.

  5. You got your rose trimming done just the same even if it was in March. Yes, daffodil blooms would be nice to see.


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