Saturday, September 12, 2015

Shorter Farewells

The sun moves away looking at my hollow of the earth almost with a sideways glance as if trying to get out the door without being noticed, as if tiring of our conversation and eager to move on to other business, but not wanting to hurt my feelings.   Its rays are more golden and appear warmer when in reality the kiss is a cooler farewell version of our ever evolving relationship.  In reality its visits are shorter, the conversation simpler, and each parting in the evening more bittersweet.  While glances thrown my way are far more romantic and golden, I know that its eye is ready to wander on and to have affairs with others.  I do not own its passion and so I must let it go and wait patiently for its return in time.


  1. sweet. we are having a week in the 80s with low humidity but, the heat will be back before it slips away. the wheel may be turning but it's turning a little slower down here.

  2. Sunflower is stunning, love it Tabor.

  3. I always like the poetic descriptions with your photo.

  4. Lovely as always, Tabor. I shall miss summer also. Thanks for your very kind and encouraging words on my Skitty post.

  5. And i'm not ready to let go of summer quite yet.

  6. Tabor, this is a wonderful write! I'd love to borrow and enlarge on this idea for a poem. May I?

  7. Nice thoughts to accompany the amazing close-up of the sunflower -- beautiful! -- barbara


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