Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Neutral in the Light

Mousy gray, velvet fog is
moving stealthily between 
half-dressed tree branches 
quietly bumping a leaf or two 
starting a yellow spinning fall. 

Then it drapes the webs 
of small spiders in diamonds and pearls 
revealing their secret locations 
against the smokey air 
in its frozen movement.

It hides the blue heron across the river 
until he sees my advance 
and like his pterodactyl ancestor 
breaks a perfect silence by screeching harshly
in his departure into the grayness 
disappearing like an angry ghost 
over the distant river.

Hidden even closer
breaking the surface of mirrored water
at my side
a Canada loon cantillates a nostalgic song 
as if missing his summer already
and eyeing me to see if I understand.

The Earth is sighing
after the brash energetic show 
she put on all week for the masses.
Then throwing a silky covering 
across her shoulders 
like a Prima Donna
she begins to remove the last of her make-up
just as the final curtain comes down.


  1. You sure you like me stopping by? LOL

    Dresses. You used that word twice. Did you want to...
    How about "touches, glazes..." I know you can think of more. :)
    That last stanza is wider than the others. Perhaps it can be narrower and longer.

    Lovely rich content I am there with you. I LIKE IT A LOT.

  2. I revised a bit. It could use more, but my muse will not sit still long enough and I have a class to teach.

  3. Personification of fall makes an excellent description. You can feel the mist and fog!

  4. Pretty descriptions, and sometimes you have to write first, edit after the dust settles.

  5. What a wonderful combination of words and pictures! Thank you.

  6. Beautiful...in every way.

  7. The poem is beautiful and so are the pictures. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  8. Wow.. just lovely. I love fog.. and I love the way you illustrate it with your words and your photos.

  9. A beautiful misty morning, I love the Heron.

  10. I love spider webs though many find them distasteful.

  11. Very nifty combo, pic plus verse!


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.