Sunday, April 10, 2016

Future Abundance

While the dogwoods will produce bright red berries in the fall for the birds

Other flowers such as these cherry blossoms will provide something for jams

And the daffodils need only show off during the month of April since our eyes are starved for beauty and we forgive them for doing their reproduction below the earth where we cannot see.


  1. The pecans are budding here, so no more frosts. Gardens are exploding, and it's wonderful to see.

  2. Each plant has it's valuable use. I prefer the jam!!!

  3. It sure looks like spring has arrived at your place!

  4. The first daffodils are always thrilling to the heart.

  5. the red tip photinias have been in bloom and in the fall the cedar waxwings will descend on them and strip them bare of berries.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.