Thursday, August 31, 2017


My life has been a nasty roller coaster this past week. I have been able to keep the worry away until bedtime because I have a beautiful 6-year-old visiting for the week that is a pleasant distraction. The bike ride to and the picnic at a distant state park have given me the respite I badly needed yesterday. Hoping you and yours find ways to ease the week ahead.

The air was cool and so fresh. Almost like an early visit from fall.  The breeze off the ocean kept away any insects but was not so strong that it was annoying for our picnic near the beach.  

The park was almost ours as only one family with children were at the dozens of picnic tables and one other couple our age were exploring the nature center and the historic sites.  Grandson had plenty of room to learn to ride his new bike both on the paved roads and the grassy areas.


  1. Grandchildren are a blessing in so many ways. The park visit sounds lovely.

  2. Sounds wonderful at the park building memories.
    Hope your worries lessen

  3. A beach is a good place to cast your cares away, if only for a little while.

  4. Praying you find a good solution that helps everything go well.

  5. I have a visit from a grandchild also but mine was 28! Love the bigs but I sure miss the littles.

  6. It looks like it was a wonderful day to get away from it all and share the day with the 6 year old! I love all the pictures!

  7. Grandchildren have a way of keeping you busy!

  8. REally wonderful. I suggested a picnic yesterday without taking the temperature into consideration. I got laughed at.

  9. Photos reveal a lovely location to picnic and enjoy your grandson. Nature does offer a respite from all else -- even if only temporarily.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your worrying week, and I hope the issues have resolved now. The company of little ones is very helpful, I always feel.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.