Saturday, August 19, 2017

Using It All Up

My garden is tired, just like me at the end of the summer. We have had weekly torrential downpours allowing me to feel less guilty about my neglect.  Amazingly, the tiny hummingbird finds the small yellow blossoms on the zinnia and is able to make a small meal.

His balance and focus are superb and he does not miss one blossom.

And as if to remind me not to pull up the plants another animal comes by and uses up what is left.

I will just let them tidy everything up for a few more weeks.


  1. Nature does not waste anything, i truly believe the Creator meant for it all to be used in its proper place and time.

  2. Wonderful creatures! Great photos!

  3. Sometimes with extra challenges like rain, we get bogged down on gardens

  4. Our garden is looking rather sad now too. With all the extra rain all te plants grew too big!

  5. That is beautiful, to let them tidy up. Great photos
    I notice the goldfinches love the cosmos seeds. Zinnias next year are on the list.

  6. I do have some stalwarts that like the heat so while somethings are beaten down, I do have others blooming well.

  7. Really like your photos.

  8. Beautiful birds. Beautiful that you are taking the time to see them. Perhaps I need to take a walk and see what I can see out in my dried up garden.

  9. Ha ha. Beautiful Hummers, lovely to find.

  10. You hardly need to garden with those guys around! Lovely photographs.

  11. I am sitting here smiling at these pictures and your comments.

  12. Such wonderful pictures! It's hard to let things go at this time of year. I'm tempted to rush in and start cleaning up, but this year I'm following your example and leaving things for a bit.


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