Friday, December 14, 2018


The white sun is up but bringing little warmth to the day. Most of the snow has melted causing the foot patterns of exploratory deer and fox to disappear.  

I am sitting finishing my second cup of coffee and hearing the "scree" "scree" call of one of the local Blue Jays outside on my deck.  He is complaining because I have not filled the small plate outside with seeds and nuts.  The bird feeders are full, but he is lazy and likes to gulp down his food.  He comes to the window and complains even more.  Often they mimic the call of the hawk to make the other birds fly away from the feeders.  They fool even me as I look to the tree to see the hawk.

They are loyal and mate for life.

I put on clogs and take the small cereal container filled with peanuts and sunflower seeds and scatter them on the platform.  Soon his buddies show up and surprisingly they eat without the usual shoving and threatening behavior.  These birds rarely leave space for others.  They are bullies.

"In the spiritual realm, the blue jay speaks of clarity and vision. In Native American symbolism (namely the Sioux Nation) the azure of the jay against the blue sky indicated a “double vision” or double clarity. This visual/spiritual “blue on blue” concept speaks of purity of the soul, truth of the heart, and clarity of thought."  That is my challenge for today.


  1. I've got all but one present boxed, and today I will tie ribbons and add tags....while I do the laundry. LOL

    1. HA ha. If I do not add tags immediately I forget what is inside!!

  2. Oh, those photos of the jays are so beautiful in that white winter light. I will just dwell on the beauty. Purity of soul is harder.

  3. they are beautiful birds. they have often fooled me too, crying like a hawk.

  4. Clarity of thought is always a challenge for me. The blue on blue is an interesting analogy.

  5. Our jays are more gray but shot with that beautiful blue and white on their feathers. Fairly rare here, could be because they are shy, the first part of their latin name is 'garrulus' too much talk?

  6. Lovely photos
    Bluejays do have a charming way of announcing time to fill their feeder.

  7. Sammy Jay is indeed greedy and a bully, at least in the stories i've read. They are beautiful, too.


  8. I am always taking footprint pics but seldom post them... Blue Jays are a rowdy crowd. I save their feathers when found. Yesterday I was wearing about 5 different tones / shades of blue, some light, dark, with green, with red, some bright, some dull.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.