Monday, August 19, 2019

The Answer

I can only say that my readers are sharp and quick. That prior photo was of a praying mantis hanging out in my coleus plant. Below are two more photos. Notice how his coloring is not the usual lime green, but a color that seems to blend more with his/her surroundings.  (Yep, you are following a blogger who takes pictures of bugs....)



  1. Fantastic photos. An alien in our midst in the last shot.

  2. Outstanding photos! The last picture is poster and caption worthy good!
    I chose to post Mantis because there are so many types.

  3. Wow. That is quite astounding.

  4. Awesome photo of a bug. Insects are so small that we don't see some of the colorful parts.

  5. Beautiful close up, love them.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.