This is another reason we are not rushing into planting the landscaping. We spend most of the time moving the sprinkler around the yard to keep what little lawn survived the bulldozer tragedy. In a few places my husband's rush to mow leaves pockets of grass near the house that we ignore. He was going to turn on the hose next to the house yesterday when he saw the grass quivering and upon closer inspection saw this little bunny shivering against the back wall of the house. (We were thinking it would be a snake.) He wouldn't leave until hubby moved the sprinkler one more time and he got caught in the shower!

I was wrong about the tiny tunia that I saved a week ago and it is a regular petunia. The water and fertilizer helped it recover from a neglected tiny plant into a full size petunia. In the center you can see that the alyssum is starting to bloom as well if you click on the photo.
FINALLY, the plant in the pot in the post below is an ornamental oregano. It smells wonderful.