Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's Not There

Some times I see things in the woods that aren't really there.

Like elephant toes.

Or Elephant legs

Or Sleepy Dragons (some make-up added)

Or swirly snakes.

Or the carriage trail to the castle as I hurry for shelter before nightfall.


  1. Wonderful,wonderful! I applaud. I whistle and yell for MORE! Fantastic daydreaming in the woods.

  2. Cute post, Tabor..... I am always seeing things which are not really there when we hike... As you have noticed from some of my recent blogs, I have seen HUGE turtles and an enormous mushroom!!! ha

    I have told my story... If interested, go to my sidebar and scroll down to LABELS.. Under the labels, look for MY STORY and click on it. There are two posts.


  3. I'd watch out on that carriage road....looks like a good place for werewolves and vampires.

  4. I think you're wrong. It's all there. Nicely done. :)

  5. Love the elephant foot, Tabor - just hope you don't see real or imaginary giant flying reason weather-darkened pecan shells can make me jump!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  6. very clever - like a child's view of the enchanted forest! These would make marvelous illustrations for a children's stroy!

  7. That is imply superb. Very well done. Great idea perfectly executed. Just one thing - how do you know they weren't really there?

  8. Not there? It all seems perfectly obvious, actually. Well at least it did once you pointed it all out.

  9. I am always seeing things that are "not there". Looking into the woods - I love daydreaming.
    Great Post.

  10. Fantastic! I want to go and explore in the woods of your imagination!

  11. They're there in your creative imagination :)
    I'm curious to know what plant that huge seed pod ("snake") came from.
    The elephant needs his toenails clipped. And I think you woke up that sleepy dragon. He lookes like his nose is stuffy.
    Hurry along the trail now. I think he's about to sneeze!


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.