Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bring It Baby!

Everything new is always old again.  While visiting a small farm of a friend I became a groupie stalking this crested hen with my camera casually stepping past the piles of chicken and goat poo in my dedication.  I was a paparazzi.  Everybody, I say now, everybody, wants at some time in their life to be a rock star.  Admit it.  You have daydreamed about it a time or two.  All those groupies screaming at how cool you are and wanting just to touch you. The way this gal strutted and tossed her mop top (almost as if hiding the fact that she was on that springtime drug) with determined style, she reminded me of an overdressed very cool, gay, rock star.  I had fun editing the photo below for the cover of a virtual Rolling Stone.

Lets get this party goin'.


  1. That is quite some style! D'you think I could carry that look? ;)

    Caveat: I am sooooo not a fashionista!

  2. oh wow she is magnificent...

  3. Wow! I love people and chicks flaunting their styles so. Go girl!

  4. Watch out Lady Gaga, there's a new star on the way up and she's got IT in spades.

  5. Oh I am totally a fancy chicken groupie. If you haven't seen the book Extraordinary Chickens get thee to the library and check it out. Love those shots you got!

  6. Oh, these are wonderful. I could put them on my walls and live with them!

  7. she is both hilarious and glamorous! i can see her hat swaying as she glides down the runway, albeit not appearing as smoothly as she'd like to ;) such a wonderful photo, hope your shoes came out of this farm venture as nicely as the shot did!

  8. Wow! What an amazing creature. Very cool pic.

  9. LOL.. irresistibly cute.. in a wild sort of way.


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