Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Is There a Doctor in the Jungle?

There are over 200 species of birds in Jamaica and one of the most lovely is their  national bird, a humming bird, which is called the Doctor Bird or the swallow tail bird. It can be seen many places throughout the island. The male is the one with the swallow tale.
Troychilus polytmus

The name doctor bird came either from the dark coloring and long tails which resembled the tailed-coat and hat of a doctor or from the way the bill lances the flowers for the nectar.  The original Indians (Arawak), that lived before African slaves came, feared this bird as they thought it carried the soul of dead relatives.  It was amazing to watch this bird fly forwards and then backwards as its feathers glistened.  

An interesting fact that I learned while traveling there was that Ian Fleming (of James Bond fame) got the name for his main character from the ornithologist James Bond who authored the book "Birds of the West Indies."  


  1. wow gorgeous birds...and neat little tidbit about james bond...i am a fan...

  2. Beautiful little critter. I would love to see some birds in exotic locations.

  3. i don't know why I've never peeked into this blog before...very nice images you've captured and written about.

    I'll have to come back. :)

  4. The Doctor Bird is an interesting specimen. These are stunning pictures you have captured Tabor. The James Bond connection is an interesting one too. It is fascinating to discover the words that inspire writing. Thank you for sharing. =D

  5. What a gorgeous bird!!! And I didn't know that about James Bond??!! Interesting!
    I would love to be in Jamaica right now! Sigh!

  6. Interesting little tid-bits you come up with. So many colorful birds in the jungle. That's interesting that they thought a bird would carrry the souls of the dead. And who would normally know about James Bond name. Thanks for the info.
    Love and peace.


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