Tuesday, March 22, 2011

That Time of Year

The birds (bluebirds and wrens mostly) are checking out the bird houses that have been distributed throughout the yard.  They have a nice selection and seem to be taking their time.  Saw this handsome dad-to-be outside my bedroom window looking into the Williamsburg birdhouse that we mounted beneath the deck.  I hope they move in, because this will be a nice place for me to watch them raising a family.

It does appears that he is checking out absolutely every bird house and every tree hole for yards around!


  1. What a gorgeous bluebird. Thanks for posting this.

  2. wow. what a bright and beautiful view...i hope they move in as well so we get more pictures...

  3. what Brian said. I've never seen one in real life.

  4. Isn't he gorgeous, Tabor? I love love love the Eastern Bluebirds.. BUT--I have a strange thing going on in my yard: 2 males fighting over 1 female.... Don't think she's chosen one of them yet --but they are both around her constantly!!!! ha

  5. Aren't they just the most beautiful blue, and such sweet birds---I love to hear them chattering, along with the wrens and Tree Sparrows. :) I have a couple more boxes that need to be mounted on posts...HAD to invest in some new condo rental property. :D

  6. I have one building a nest in the same house as last year. Wish I could get an image. Your image is beautiful....

  7. Such a brilliant blue! Our bluebirds have returned, too but I'll never get as close to a nesting bird as you will. I hope they nest in the birdhouse beneath your deck too, so I get to share them with you vicariously!

  8. Wonderful and wonder full!

  9. I know if he picks your birdhouse we will all benefit because you will provide a pictorial report of the bluebird family events.

  10. oh, I do hope he moves in, too. We get them occasionally around here, but I've never been close enough for a picture or a good look.


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