Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The world is filled with alien and overpowering connections and life forms that are both wondrous and frightening.  Yet, the most beautiful and precious time in life is when you help a young one make these connections with nature in its purest form.  We cannot expect them to help us save this fragile world until we teach them to love this fragile world.  Why don't you introduce the world to someone younger than you?


  1. Don't you know it! Great job and great pictures. It made me cry to remember how Ron would take our grandson Michael and carefully show him all the wonders of nature. He was our only grandchild that was really interested and now he is such a nature lover.

  2. so true...and we will be the ones to establish that connection for them by turning off the tv and the electronics and getting out in it....sounds like a fun day to me...

  3. Lovely pictures and thoughts!

  4. Yes! Send them outside to play and learn!

  5. This young man is a lucky one to have a nature mentor to explain how all came about and why we need it everyday of our lives. good post and photos -- barbara

  6. Great photo story. Yes, kids need to be exposed to the environment. With the urban living of today I wonder how much teaching is going on.

  7. Wonderful post! It's the reinforcement I needed for what I attempted to instill in my grandchildren today.

  8. Hmm... my comment disappeared.


    YES! I love this post. I try to do the same with my kiddos too. Well done! :)


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