Monday, December 05, 2016

The Crazy Head Dance

As the golden yellows and blushing oranges and burning reds disappear from the landscape, they leave behind the holly dark greens and the tough oak leaf browns.  This signals the trees to do that crazy head shaking dance, to rid themselves of scratchy and rugged leaves.  They wait for the push of a storm and then toss those branches from side to side high above me sending unbreakable discs into my face and scuttling at my feet.  

My lawn is carpeted with crunchy sound alarms that squirrels set off in their hunt for a place to bury a nut.  My deck is blanketed with leathery oak leaves that grab my socks and make it inside the house or that catch a breeze and swirl across the room before I can shut the door.  Soon the inside looks like the outside as they gather in a corner of the room.

This is the pre-show to get you ready for winter.  There is no going back now. 


  1. Leaves, in the air, beautiful.

  2. I have a large tree in my front yard that usually loses its leaves during December or January. Leaves don't fall during the fall in Florida. The problem is that all the leaves tend to fall within a twenty-four hour period. It's difficult to keep up with them, and my neighbor gets upset if they blow over to his yard. I would prefer to let them be and shuffle through them.

    Janie Junebug

  3. Never thought about the trees shedding their leaves using your colorful language -- like music -- and those dancers! My neck couldnt survive that shaking.

  4. Good observations, lovely photos
    This time of year is beautiful with leaves flying and crunching poetic inspiration.

  5. twelve gray pigeons mooching around on the lawn this morning, the leaves have been tidied by my partner who can't bear mess. What is sad in this rain sozzled part of Yorkshire is that the glorious colours of the Autumn leaves have all but disappeared.

  6. A wonderful poem. Thank you.

  7. A great post! really descriptive. Lovely!

  8. Yep, we are freezing! this week here. Blustery too. On my cam that would all be out of focus...


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