Sunday, March 24, 2019

Patience With a Little Pop

The Interloper

"My" osprey have still not returned to the nest, which is the longest ever in the decade-plus I have lived here. Odd, but we do know pretty much when they come back. I did see an osprey fly over the river one day. The next day I saw an osprey fly over the nest, but clearly was on another mission as he/she never returned even though I heard that familiar cry as it headed to the silhouette of the trees. But how about my sharing some manipulated "artistic" versions some of my other birds that have been here all winter, keeping me company and eating me out of house and home, since I have grown tired of watching and waiting?


  1. really excellent shots of the birds.

  2. Excellent pictures Tabor. My favourite is the Waxwings, purist.

  3. The ospreys aren’t back to their nests near the boardwalk here yet either. The geese are back though.

  4. Nothing like the hardy winter birds.

  5. So many beautiful birds, and i still hope your osprey come soon.

  6. Just lovely and cheery. Thank you.


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