Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Drifting in Autumn

Come take a walk down to the dock and then back to the yard with me. If you have some lovely piano music on, as I do, all the better! Autumn is getting ready to say fairwell, so I wanted to be sure to wish her happiness on her journey as she passes winter. No talking, just walking. (As always, you can click on the photos for bigger views.)


  1. Beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Yes, a beautiful walk, thank you
    I recently began listening (to relax) to the YouTube channel by the pianist, Rousseau. A favorite is Ludovico Eintaudi, "The Water Diviner."

  3. such a beautiful place where your live.we've gone straight from late summer to a few winter days. where is Fall?

  4. Autumn is going out in style! Beautiful!

  5. Great photos to go along with the waning of autumn.

  6. Thanks for sharing your little walk with us. 👍

  7. Really the autum gives special colors to the wood. The photographs are so beautiful.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.