Monday, August 03, 2009

Forgetting the Big Picture

While hiking in the mountains of this great earth I have learned over many years of tripping over my toes to focus on both the big picture (grand vistas), the close-in picture (the path) and the small pictures...wildflowers at my feet.

First discovered in 1840 by Dr. Asa Gray this is Gray's Lily, Lilium grayi, and is somewhat rare and endangered according to one of my references. It grows along the open road side of the high mountains of West Virginia in June and July.

This appears to be a wild mint, but I don't know which one. It was prolific in bloom.

I think this is the Carolina Lily (Lilium michauxii). At first I thought it might be Lilium superbum. Isn't that a fun name? Actually superbum means superb. These flowers were almost 5 inches wide but only 3 per stem which made me guess it is not the rarer Turk's Cap lily or superbum which can produce many more flowers per stem.

And above I think is the carnivore Sarracenia purpurea or Pitcher Plant, although I did not see any pitchers with this clump. The flowers are so exotic and prehistoric looking. Our trip to West Virginia was most rewarding.


  1. What superb images. Your choice of subjects was inspired.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. I've never seen any of these lovely flowers before. Inspired, indeed. I love the delicate stems in that first shot. No wonder it's endangered.

  3. Beautiful flowers! So delicate...

  4. Sorry the pre-adolescent portions of my brain got waylaid by the word "superbum"!

    I had to go back and review your superb photos several times to get that rascal out of the way sufficiently to appreciate the beauty of your post.

    Hopefully I will grow up a little before your next post.

  5. I'd heard the word superbum said aloud for so long that it took me awhile to get the joke, Tabor! And wow you do get to see some wonderful plants.

    With brain contaminated by TV cartoons will sign off now

    Heh, Heh. She said bum.


    (word verification is "bandomen" Guess Robin Hood's around somewhere)

  6. There is so much clarity and beauty in these photos and in the way you describe them. I need to open my eyes to nature a bit more!


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