Sunday, September 01, 2013

Searching for Blue

Summer time and the living is not so easy.  It is more humid and hot and sticky and full of bugs and afternoon thunderstorms and moss covered lawns and forces you to sloooow down and pause in between the rushing.

I decided that there was not enough cool blue in my life and so I digitally painted over some of the photos to add a breath of cool air.

Liriope - monkey grass.

Hyacinth Bean

Annual asters peaking out from under some HUGE celosia.

A tiny blue butterfly on garlic chives.


  1. we've had a not so bad summer this year despite drought conditions. just never really hit three digits and stayed there. and I think we're going to have an early fall this year. the blues are lovely.

  2. Who knew you could digitally enhance summer?

    Works for me.

  3. that hyacinth bean shot is mesmerizing....i could stare at that one for a while....

  4. Beautiful. Wishing it was that easy to change the color of things. I'd digitally enhance my brown withered lawn into a lush green.

  5. Oh wow! These are absolutely gorgeous. Each one is an artistic treasure. I love what you did with that watercolor like effect.

  6. If monkey grass would stay that pretty all of the time, i'd have it instead of a regular lawn.

  7. I'll buy your blue hues. A choice like a color puts a challenge to the photographer.

  8. Love those purples, Tabor - they sing.

  9. Love your images.
    Your weather a twin to mine
    The mosquitos are everywhere

  10. I love the one of the hyacinth bean. so pretty. And the one of the moth as well. We are hot and humid for the past week or so here in New England as well. The air is cooler though...

  11. Great photos. It has been miserably hot in KY -- and lots of rain here too. Bugs are having a heyday here. Guess it is like this in many parts of the country. ~~ barbara

  12. The delicate butterfly is my favorite. The wings look tissue thin.

  13. Such beautiful blues! That butterfly is amazingly gorgeous!

  14. Blue works for me. Summer does, especially.

  15. Love the cooler shades here, Tabor. We had a few cooler days here, but as of this morning we are back to the hot stuff.

  16. Ahhhhh---love the purples and cool blues... I am like you in that I do NOT enjoy summer. However, this summer wasn't too bad for us. We were cooler than normal with much more rain. BUT--even still, I'm glad that Fall is coming!!!!!



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