Sunday, February 12, 2017

Being Patient

The storm up north has brought in a bunch of house finches to the feeders as they fled from the heavy snows and colder weather.  We usually have a few, but this morning there were many.  Life has gone here as normal without the nasty winter weather.

This is a photo I took years ago.  (I was too busy to get my camera this morning.)  

The trees are confused as well because our mostly 50 F degree weather has them wondering if they forgot to mark their calendars for the day of spring.  While day length is the primary trigger, this warmer weather does get some sap flowing early and the yellow-bellied sap sucker is busy at the front yard with my sugar maple.

Some trees look like they are ready to bud, but the ends are still hard and dark, so not as ready as they appear upon closer inspection.

Things are still a misty, greenish gray like a Sherlock movie without that potential for danger, just the exotic sense of mystery.  This poor dogwood at the edge of the main road was hit by the mower when it was small and struggles each year to get upright.  The two in the distance are newer and were planted by the landscapers last year.  I am waiting for spring dogwood blossoms to cover the branches.



  1. Wonderful photos
    Dogwood trees blooming in Spring when I was a kid were like magic. I use to think if we had one in our yard, then we'd be happier. The flowers are the most classy and elegant of Spring.

  2. That bottom photo is magical. I love dogwood, but I am learning to love finches too.

  3. Yesterday we had a beautiful spring day. My son was here and we could work outside. Planning more work today we went out to high winds and temps in the 30's. He went on home and I went back to bed.

  4. I envy you this edge of spring time in what is mid winter here. Lucky you.

  5. Erratic weather patterns of the last few years have brought about some "never happened befores".

  6. Love your finches. Ours are still boycotting my feeder. Shopping up a new one tomorrow.

  7. Mid-February seems to get many of us antsy for spring. then March seems to take forever as "emerging" slows down. But then the daffodils pop!

  8. Spring is beautiful, i'm just not ready for it so soon.

  9. it's definitely spring here. everything is coming out at least a month early if not more. the red bud tree is starting to put out little buds and I have a bluebonnet blooming in the front yard. unheard of for them to bloom in February.

  10. Spring is a swear word here this week! 40mph winds today, sub z wind chills before work today. Lots of snow n ice. Yesterdays storm had 2 car accidents for work folks sliding off the highway! No bird food here this year. Could put bread out but coyotes will hunt it out.

  11. It is so difficult to be patient this time of year. I am aching for spring/summer. And I don't even have my normal distraction of birds right now because there is a hawk in our area keeping them away from our feeder and bird bath.

  12. If you don't mind my asking, what brand/model camera do you use? Is it a digital?? I need a new camera and am in the inquisition mode -- asking whoever produces decent (or fantastic) photos what they use. It gives me something to look at where I know the camera in question does produce good photos.


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