Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Will She Return?

The Winter barely stopped by this month. Where she raced off to, no one knows. She kissed the marsh with a gentle breath and froze the floating leaves in an abstract painting of blues and browns.  The ice was as thin as a veil on a virginal bride and the warm air beneath in its joy below tore holes in the veil soon after.

Maybe she was fleeing the fires of earth down under. Maybe she thought, if she did not stop, she could find a place that would still shelter a cold and frigid winter where she could rest again and be welcomed for her quiet and silent beauty.

The ice began to recede as the sun smiled down again the next morning. Winter watches in the cold dark shadows and seems too wary to return.


  1. winter has been a no show for the most part down here this year.

  2. We can share with you...

  3. Love your poetic descriptions.
    Winter paid us a visit, but she'll now linger in the big gray.

  4. Well, you might not have much for winter but we had a record low temperature last night.

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  7. Winter is fickle this year.
    A few days ago, it felt like spring. Yesterday, who left the door open cold. Today, big fluffy snowflakes covering every bit of surface it can get to.

  8. We have had the higher temperature ever, and it is a bad thing. Whose to blame?????????

  9. She's coming back here next week, or so i've heard.

    1. Yep! She is on her way here today.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.