Saturday, October 19, 2013

Time for Dinner.

The hours grow closer to All Hallows' Eve
When spirits can dance and sing and shout Boo!
The colors are bold and dark
And the shapes are strange and amorphous.

The small creatures run rapidly to hide
Even carelessly slipping through white pools
They would otherwise avoid.

The Witch has her cups fulls of nectar for guests
Each cup more potent than the last
With all witches' favorite potions.

Mortals call this one the Jack-o-Lantern mushroom
With Gills being the harbinger of the poison
And an ability to light the way with bio-luminescence at the witching hour!

The Witch's bouquet
Sits scratchy and harsh and dying
In the center of the table

And then she lights the candles
And with her toothless grin
Invites us to join in her interesting repast.


  1. that fungus...cups of nectar is so cool and what vivid colors too...

  2. Excellent words and photos. Loved the colors in your photos! -- barbara

  3. Children may not linger for treats on this doorstep, but the witch has quite a number of "lovlies" to enjoy.

  4. A feast -- for the eyes!

  5. Clever with your poem,s and photos.

  6. Your Room Without Walls is always such a delight.

  7. Oi! Makes me glad I sleep through Halloween. What are the dried blossom cups at the center of the witch's table?

  8. Come closer if you dare. Woooooooo

  9. Those fungi are just astonishing! Very autumnal :)

  10. Love the ghostly footprints and the orange mushrooms.

  11. This is such a perfect Halloween post. That mushroom is beautiful though perhaps deadly?


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.