Wednesday, January 18, 2017

My Small Reward

I walked out early this cold and damp winter morning being called by the silky veils of fog. Veils hung like thick webs between and behind the black and gray skeletons of my tall forest of trees. I was on a venture for silhouettes and contrasts and simplification to preserve with my camera. Since my big PC has died, I cannot have too much fun with photos, but as this weather gets more gloomy, I hope to have quiet days indoors learning with focus the quiet habits of a new PC which should arrive at the end of the week. Anyway, above is a photo of an Achillea or more commonly called milfoil which I took this very morning. Its name comes from the Greek character named Achilles as some of his soldiers used this relative of the yarrow plant to treat wounds.  According to Wikipedia other more colorful names are allheal and bloodwort. There are over a thousand names under the genus Achillea! It tolerates a wide climate range in the U.S. growing from Texas to New England and across to Wyoming. This lavender/purple one is one type that is in my garden and still blooming in mid-winter and remains optimistic even after the 6 inches of snow over a week ago.  Amazing how it tucked down and hung in there. We can learn things from these plants.  It tends to spread a bit too much which means I will be digging bunches up for the spring plant sale.

I found it was a small pleasure to study the tiny colored faces while  I heard the warning cries of the Blue-jays in the high oak  tree and the rustle of brown leaves from some bird or squirrel just beyond the fence.  I ignored how the spongy grass soaked my shoes and the damp tucked behind my ears.


  1. Wonderful...picture and words. Magic stuff....allheal indeed.

  2. So lovely, i'm glad it survived the cold!

  3. No little surviving bits of color here now. What a joy yours was to find!

  4. Your post feels like early spring.

  5. I don't think quiet is a small reward, guess I would read alot. Yay you get a new tool. Don't like the learning part much anymore. Hope the new machine is easy for you, n the
    Paint program installs. Nice blossoms to have in winter!

  6. I like quiet. nothing blooming here. I had some yarrow at the city house but none here. I may have to remedy that.

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