Friday, November 01, 2019

Returning to Normal

It is good to be home with my "good earth". (Yes, this trilogy by Pearl S. Buck came back to me as I toured China and now I want to re-read and wrap its beauty around me once again.)

I immediately took a short walk down our street to greet all the trees.  They were in all their autumn glory.

Our first sunset as we returned was no slouch either.

But the most dramatic had to be the threatening and scary Halloween sunset show as we got tornado and wind gust warnings until midnight!

Lost a batch of branches, but we were spared!


  1. It is nice to read you happy to be home after such a long and fascinating trip.
    Last night's weather was over the top windy here.

  2. Wow that last photo is awesome!

  3. These photos are gorgeous!

  4. That was a very nice way to welcome you back.

  5. fabulous skies putting on a show for your return.

  6. Wonderful pictures. What about the cold and rain?

  7. You have a lovely place to come back to!

  8. I hope you are not under a foot or so of snow now,.


Glad to hear from you once again. I really like these visits. Come sit on this log and tell me what you are thinking.