Wednesday, November 13, 2019

There is no more

As I sit at my computer the day is gray and cold. It started with rain and that has now turned to sleet with a promise of a dusting of snow as we go into darkness tonight. It is heavy and wet and not at all inviting as perfect snow would be. It is the kind of weather that one ignores and turns to a Scottish murder mystery on the television. I am going to ignore it and share what it looked like just a few days ago: this was our lovely fall and sadly it is disappearing as I type this post. While the leaves are still on the trees they are changing to darker red and grays.


  1. Love these! So pretty.

  2. Beautiful. It is interesting how blogger seasonal changes spread out with latitudes.

  3. Sooner or later we have to face up to snow. I don't like the wet snow.

  4. Pretty little flowers. In spite of the cold overnight temps here there're azaleas trying to bloom again in a small garden by a local bank building.

  5. I do not like snow. or rather I like snow for about an hour or two and then it can go away. but then cold rain isn't any better.I'm expecting my two gingko trees to turn bright yellow in a day or two after our dip below freezing the other night.

  6. Excellent photos of orange leaves.

  7. Just lovely. Yes, now it is time to pull up that mystery to the fire. A pot of tea too?

    1. OH, I do so wish you were here with me!!! We could chat.

  8. How nice it would be if the colors lasted just a bit longer.


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