Some days I feel like everything I attempt is a struggle. The whole day remains out of sync. It is as if some black whole is sucking out my energy and then laughing in my face as I trip my way forward. Getting someone to respond to an email, getting someone to respond to an invitation, getting the weather to cooperate, getting my exercise schedule back on track, keeping that overstuffed pantry organized, slowing down time are all struggles. Then I stop what I am doing and take a short boat ride with hubby and we head down a part of the river we have not visited in a long time. I take a deep breath and this juvenile bald eagle appears in silhouette in the distance on a branch and then flying overhead and I am able to capture the perfection of his/her ballet in the sky. Sometimes when I just snap, there is no struggle with my photography. So much for trying too hard.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Not the Leonids, But Just as Nice
We set out on the boat just at sunset on the evening of November 17th to see the Leonid meteor shower that was being promoted in all the science news columns and which was supposed to peak around this time. The gentle breeze was cold and so we were bundled with gloves and hoods and prepared for an uncomfortable wait. Lying back on boat cushions on the bow of the boat at odd angles, we saw at first the fake beauties of mankind that shine in the heavens, the planes and the satellites going on their speedy ways. I thought that satellites all moved in similar orbits, but not those in my sky above the river. They are just like mankind, no sense of patience about them and criss-crossing everywhere in their buzyness. This photo below shows both a plane and a dock light that were distracting as the sun sunk low into the grayness.
Then finally as stiffness set into my old joints and I thought I might never move again I turned my neck slowly to the eastern sky and I saw a shooting star! Just one, not the dozens predicted. It was bright but not long. Then as I was gazing in that direction and my eyes refocused I saw Halcyone, Sterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, and Taygete in their misty glow. They were not easy to see. I think they hide because they have been pursued by Orion due to their unusual beauty. Seven sisters gathering in one place is not to be ignored. They winked at us from behind a few misty clouds.
When I got back to the house and downloaded my little collection of photos, this one was revealed. I did not try to take a picture of the stars. Do you think the Seven Sisters included this photo and wanted me to remember them?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Love that broach, roach.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Lovey Dovey

Saturday, November 14, 2009
We (I) Beat the Thieves!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Berry Nice, Thank You

Jewels left behind
On naked arms and bare necks.
Recently washed
By the angry rain.
Refusing to break away
And tumble like the colored leaves.
Determined to glow
Even when the white snow
Crests their faces
In months to come.
Or, perhaps, waiting until someone eats them.

Saturday, November 07, 2009
Rare is the Wood of the Koa Tree

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009
First Acts

This is the emotional time of year when passions run high and nature throws her dramatic fits due to all the farewells that are happening everywhere. Goodbye flower petals, goodbye butterfly wings, goodbye warm air kisses. This time of year is filled with rushed goodbyes.
An angry front of cooler air that had brought a gray hello moved in last week. It was preceded by the most exciting swirls of dark clouds, some hung high and others were gray and feathery and just grazed the tops of the trees. This storm was silent. Even the lower part of the dramatic winds only moved the low hanging clouds and did not bend branches or toss their leaves. The leaves that still had a strong grip shivered ever so slightly as if in excited anticipation of the powerful event yet to come. The sun was shoved abruptly behind the horizon as bright stage lighting was not needed for this drama. There were no special effects such as thunder and lightning. Only the power of the air moving like a giant invisible hand pushing up high.
I stood barefoot on the dock and shivered myself, although not from any cold, because the air temperature was still very nice. No birds, no fish, no wildlife hung about to welcome this first act. I was alone in the audience.
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