Friday, January 13, 2017

Market Rush as the Fruit is Ripe

The next cold front, ice storm, snow storm, sleet storm is on its way. I hear the catbird in the ravine hissing about it. How does she know? I see the flickers gleaning my lawn of worms and bugs to last for the next few days. I also noticed that my holly trees were doing a dance. Beneath their boughs are carpets of berries. I went outside and could hear them falling like buckshot.

 Next I also heard the twirping and tweeting of birds that were in that self same tree. Part of the tree was covered in Robins and breezy winds from the incoming storm made the photo blurry.

 The rest of the tree was covered in cedar waxwings. They seemed to tolerate the robins. The waxwings were busy and squirmy and it was difficult to get a photo of their energy efforts. Maybe next time I will put on a jacket to avoid the cool air to keep me from shaking the camera and actually use a tripod! I could hear the tapping of each berry as it fell to the ground reminding me of those market shopping contests where food falls out of the cart as contestants rush down the aisle.

Incoming and outgoing and some actually stop and grab a bite.


  1. It looks like there's plenty for all of them. If there weren't, they might not be tolerating each other so well.

  2. I love the cedar waxwings! Robins have been busy in the berries here.
    Wishing you safe haven as that storm approaches.

  3. My holly bushes berries don't attract the variety of birds you describe, but our temps and weather here in Southern California don't present the feeding challenges you have with snow and freezing cold. Even our drought is being relieved with rain.

  4. Beautiful post and photographs
    Thank you for the smiles to start the day

  5. My mother had Holly bushes around her home. Ron and I used to have a secret place to gather Pyracantha for fall decorations near our home in Kansas. I never was sure if birds ate the pyracantha berries.

  6. OK, first I'm jealous you have Holly trees! Then you have Robins! Too wintery here for those birdies. Waxwings there are so beautiful. Never seen one. I do really miss the bird visits on the old berry tree I used to have.
    I hope the ice spares your trees!

  7. Beautiful the Waxwings, good for your camera.


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